Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Iron Sky footage
First actual footage of Iron Sky is out! The producers are still looking for private investors to raise the remaining needed budget, but it appears that the project is well underway for a 2011 release.
The Moon Nazis Are Coming – The First Iron Sky Footage is Out! « Beyond the Iron Sky
Iron Sky
Conficker worm

Very long and interesting write-up on the Conficker worm that appeared in 2008 and infected millions of PCs, and the task-force working to disable it. This great article reads more like a high-tech thriller!
The Enemy Within - Magazine - The Atlantic
45 gigapixel Dubai photo

This is a really large panorama shot of Dubai, made up from 4250 individual pictures, created with a Canon camera and the GigaPan software. You can pan around and zoom in nearly endlessly and discover some nice details.. check out the popular snapshots displayed on the page.
gigapan: Dubai 45 gigapixels
Eyjafjallajökull eruption
Really great time-lapse footage of the eruption of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull, taken by Sean Stiegemeier. Yep, that's no special effects extravaganza for some apocalyptic movie, it's just good ol' Mother Nature showing off a bit.
Blame It On The Voices: HD time-lapse shots of Eyjafjallajökull
Monday, May 10, 2010
Romantically apocalyptic

Best webcomic I've seen in a while: Romantically Apocalyptic by Vitaly S Alexius.
Romantically Apocalyptic
Web comics
Akira animation cels

A huge collection of animation cels from classic anime Akira is currently on display at Toonseum in Pittsburgh, and man are they gorgeous!
TETSUOOO! The Gorgeous Animation Cels Of Akira - akira - io9
Large video game worlds

Rather interesting conglomerate overlay of game maps of some popular games. The reason for this was probably the ongoing discussion about the (some say unnecessarily) huge map of Just Cause 2. Really surprising how small the GTA worlds are, and really crazy how some other games (quoted on the right side) have even much larger worlds.
Unreality - A Size Comparison of Massive Open World Video Game Maps |
Video games
David Lynch's Twin Peaks coffee ads
These are really weird: Twin Peaks-themed ads for Japanese coffee maker Georgia, involving much of the original cast and directed by David Lynch himself. Follow the link to see the remaining two spots on io9.
David Lynch’s Twin Peaks Georgia Coffee Ads - Twin Peaks - io9
David Lynch,
Twin Peaks
Top Zombie apocalypse tools

My favorite blog Topless Robot comes up with its own list of useful tools for the Zombie apocalypse. It's interesting that no items on this list are the same as our own Top Ten Zombie household items we posted a while back. Really surprising and helpful stuff though!
Topless Robot - 9 Useful Items for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Downfall re-enacted
Fabulous: Brandon Hardesty re-enacts the whole infamous bunker scene from the movie Downfall (which has become a major internet meme, as reported before here and here), and yes it is hilarious.
Adolf Hitler,
Internet memes,
Machete theatrical trailer
Have you seen the original Machete trailer from the Grindhouse movies? If yes, then you probably already know that Robert Rodriguez is turning it into a real movie which is set for release on September 3rd. Starring Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, Jessica Alba, Rose McGowan, Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Rodriguez, Steven Seagal, Don Johnson, and Robert DeNiro.
Can German film makers Marvin Kren and Benjamin Hessler put together a Zombie film similar to 28 Days Later, playing in Berlin? Somehow this trailer looks a bit dodgy, but we will know more after this film has premiered at the Cannes Festival.
Stunning Trailer for German Apocalyptic Zombie Film "Rammbock" - Zombies - io9
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Here's the teaser trailer for Rubber, a short film about an evil telekinetic tire. Directed by Quentin Dupieux a.k.a. Mr Oizo.
Unreality - Rubber, the Story of an Evil Psychokinetic Tire |
Fallout New Vegas first demo

A first Fallout: New Vegas demo is making the rounds, and Kotaku has some details and screenshots (no video, though, alas).
Fallout: New Vegas Preview: Meet Sunny, Dinky & Tabitha - Fallout: new vegas - Kotaku
Fallout 3,
Video games
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Real-life modern warfare
In this video from April 2010, six Dutch Marines board the MV Taipan in the Indian Ocean, capturing ten Somali pirates and rescuing the crew. Thanks to the crisp footage of the helmet cameras, you can experience this like a mission from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Real Life Modern Warfare: Soldiers vs Pirates, With Helmet Cameras - Modern warfare - Kotaku
Call of Duty,
Special Forces,
Video games,
Chinese military shovel
What can't you do with this standard issue military shovel? Next to digging holes, you can also use it to cut your food, saw logs, pry nails, and a myriad of other things.
Chinese Military Shovels Put Swiss Army Knives To Shame - Chinese military shovel - Gizmodo
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