Under the Navy's plan, the paper explains, the dolphins "would work only at night" around the base, which serves as the home port for eight nuclear missile-carrying Trident submarines. The marine mammals would use their speed and underwater sensing abilities to look for dog-paddling adversaries. If the dolphins found such an intruder, they would drop a strobe light nearby. "The light would float to the surface, marking the spot." Human security guards in nearby speedboats would race to the light, to handle the rest.
The sea lions would play an even more active role in enemy apprehension. They would "carry in their mouths special cuffs attached to long ropes. If they found a suspicious swimmer, they would clamp the cuff around the person’s leg. The intruder [would] then be reeled in for questioning."
Anybody remember Jones from Johnny Mnemonic?
Danger Room: Navy Dolphin Patrol Under Fire